Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Snot,,Snot, and More Snot!!

So the month of August has really made me realize the ramifications of motherhood. I think there was actually one week that Chloe has felt good. Between teething and two colds man it has been a tough ride. So this picture cracks me up, the poor girl had so much snot we could not wipe it fast enough. But great news on the Chloe front she is finally eating and sleeping on her normal schedule. I on the otherhand now have who knows what thanks to my lovely little princess. I never thought of how hard it would be being sick and still having to take care of a 9 month old. Oh how I really cherised her naps today. Brett was so great to stay and work mostly from home today to help me out. He is such a sweetheart.


Stacey Mowers and Family said...

That picture is so funny!! I hate when my kids have colds, sometimes I wish they would get the throw-ups instead. When my kids get a cold the cough lasts for weeks and weeks. Your husband is such a good guy for staying home and helping out, mine wants me to baby him when he's sick, but when I'm sick it's just another day. Guys are funny that way! Well hope your little one gets better and stays better for your sake.

Robyn Hollobaugh said...

That is so funny!

*Shaffen and Misty* said...

Sick kids are awful! I hate when they are sick at the same time....seriously 2 whiny kids. No fun!!! I am glad she is better!

Holly said...

Hey Becki! This is Holly DiPadova. I cant believe Chloe has been sick ... she is so dang happy whenever I see her at church. She is so adorable! I am glad we got to chat on Sunday!


Robyn Hollobaugh said...

We are totally wanting to move back to AZ. We still haven't gave in and got a realtor though. We may just have to because we wanted to be out there by the end of October, beginning of November. You'll have to pray for us!!