Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Daddy can we keep her?

A few days ago this little black lab showed up around the farm. It mostly followed these little rat dogs that live down the road until she found Chloe. This is the sweetest dog I have ever been around. All she wants to do is sit next to you and follow you when you go for a walk or ride the quad. She lovingly puts up with Chloe pulling her ears and riding her like a horse. She has two names puppy and horsie. I am still torn on a real name for her either lucy or bella. Any suggestions are welcomed.

The great thing about her is she sleeps by the door and at night we can hear her chasing off coyotes, javalina and best of all the 50 million cats that used to hang around here.

The other plus is she follows Chloe everywhere and if we cant find her we know to look for the dog and she isnt far from it.

My Big Girl!

After many days of frustration of dealing with Chloe trying to climb in and out of her crib I decided to try to take the crib wall down and put on the toddler rail. Much to my surprise it was better than Christmas, this kid was so happy she was big and could get in and out by herself. If only I knew this was all it took to get her to play in her room I would have done it much sooner.

This is her very first nap in her big bed.
So far I have learned a few lessons in this big change
Lesson #1- do not attempt to go out of the house out of ear shot when you think your child is sleeping. I came to find her wide awake washing her favorite blanket in the toilet.
Lesson #2- Keep toilet lid closed
Lesson #3- Always remember she can walk out of her room when you think you are all by yourself she will creep up on you and scare you to death.
Lesson #4- Check in once in a while you may find her upside down hanging out of the bed while fast asleep.