Friday, September 5, 2008

Thanks Covin!

So I was rearranging stuff in our extra bedroom and found a few random toys that my nieces and nephews play with when they are here,and among them was a race car. Well Chloe found it instantly (because she is always underneath me doing whatever I'm doing)and played with it forever. It was the greatest little shiny thing that rolls across the floor. It really doesnt surprise me, since her cousins are mostly boys and all they have to play with is cars. So Chloe thanks cousin Covin for leaving it so she can play with it. She loves it!


*Shaffen and Misty* said...

That is cute...he will love that I will show him tomorrow. They talk about her all the time! :)

Randy and Jenni Bryce said...

Hey Thatcher High School Class of 1998, check out our reunion blog to get information about our upcoming 10 year reunion. Send me your email address for more info!

Misty said...

Hey Becky - I'm glad to find your blog and see what you are up to. Your little girl is so dang cute!